Monday, June 16, 2008


To start off, the purpose of this blog is for me to chronicle my travels and any noteworthy adventures as I leave my job to explore the world.

The essence of my plan is to have no plan. However, I do have a tentative schedule for the first couple of months. Given my flight schedule, my itinerary currently looks like the following:

Present - 6/23: In New York. Last Day at work is 6/20.
6/23 - 7/14: In Taiwan. Short-term missions trip to help support the churches in Taiwan.
7/14 - Early August: In New York. Sleeping. Organizing. Sightseeing. Available.
Early August - 8/14-ish: In Cleveland. Seeing family.
8/14 - ??: In China. In Beijing for the Olympics. May drop by Shanghai shortly afterwards.

No plans for China other than to try to attend the Olympics thus far. Suggestions? Maybe I can visit your village...


Unknown said...

I see what is lacking from this plan: updating the blog :P

the_low_talker said...

Yea where are the stories. Pls feel this out more often thx

Jerry said...

Yeah I haven't had a chance to get on a computer for any significant length of time... will try to in the near future...