Monday, July 28, 2008


Since in all this time that I've been on the East Coast, I haven't been able to go to Washington DC (it's been about 8 years), I decided I should first take a short trip out there before I head out of the country. I had a friend from Cleveland that was nice enough to let me stay at his place, and the timing worked out well since it ended up that another old friend from Cleveland was going to be visiting there as well. So we hit up the local Mexican restaurant which was quite good and cheap. My friend Jason, the amateur food critic, wrote a review of the place at:

Anyhow, it was awhile since I was back here, but I didn't realize that: 1) Washington DC had a Chinatown (I guess they must, right? It's a big city staple), and 2) DC's Chinatown lacks a Chinese community - in fact, most of the stores are Western chains.

Okay so the gate looks nice, but...

See!!!! They just have Chinese signs, but they are all Western stores! What a joke. I guess it's a strange zoning regulation that forces everyone to make up Chinese names for their establishments in the area...

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