Thursday, November 27, 2008

NY Subway Signs

I saw 3 ridiculous signs in a row on the subway. I couldn't make any sense of them.

The first:

First they tell us to take it light, and then to take responsibility, somehow using that to allude to taking the subway. Maybe my English abilities have deteriorated due to my time in China, but that went over my head.

Then they talk about taking our trash when leaving the train, but then they claim to recycle subway litter after collection, thanking us for contributing. Why should we take our trash off the train if they're going to recycle it? Isn't that what they meant by contributing?


Somehow, they made some sort of assumption on the number of rides you would take per 30 days to arrive at $1.17 without stating that assumption. With convincing confidence, the sign encourages us to just "believe it."


I've never heard of anyone bothering to check escalator status online, have you? Are there more trivial things we can check online instead?

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